In 1550 I started with Sultan Muhammad I Saadi who has 4 administrative, 4 diplomatic and 5 military skill.
I am really excited to start and see what I can do for my main objectives. In EU IV I have this kind of mechanics and it is quite enjoyable to try to manage a country like a club and develop it. My main goals were creating a strong and trustable country that can protect its own lands, improve their cities, increase prestige around the world, keeping up with the rest of the world in various fields and if possible adding some more lands that we have claims and we want. I am really interested in the cultural and architectural history of Morocco so I thought it will be entertaining and helpful for me to play while learning more about them and also I always had a wish to visit Casablanca and like its name, those are the reasons behind my selection.
For the last gameplay of this semester I wanted to select a country that I have sympathy to, hence I chose Morocco.